Hot air ballooning is a unique, fantastic sport and getting involved is easier than you might think…
Whether you’ve recently experienced the trip of a lifetime in a big balloon or just enjoy watching balloons and think ‘That’d be great fun’, there are many different ways to get involved in ballooning, and it all begins with being a member of the BBAC.
There are many different sides to ballooning and there are different tiers of membership to cover all of them.
To join the club right now, please click here!
Being a Pilot
There are no pre-requisites to being a balloon pilot. Anyone can train and join a very exclusive group of people across the globe. Our Pilot Membership is our platinum membership package. Pilots receive all Non-Pilot Membership benefits plus a whole range of membership benefits specific to pilots, including:
- Pilot’s Circular
- Landowner Relations Database
- Training Events
- Access to Further Pilot Training (Commercial Group B/Group C etc.)
Being a Pilot Under Training (PuT)
In order to access Pilot Training, you’ll need to purchase or upgrade to a PuT Membership. With this, you will get access to some of the Pilot benefits, such as Pilot’s Circular and the Landowner Relations Database, but most importantly you can begin your training through our dedicated Training Organisation.
Non-Pilot Membership
You don’t by any means need to be a pilot to make a lifetime of fabulous memories in ballooning. Our Non-Pilot Membership is tailored specifically to members who would prefer to keep their feet on the ground. Do you see balloons flying whilst you’re driving to work and want to know where they’re flying from, whether you can go and watch and maybe bag yourself a spot in the basket one day? Or perhaps you’ve been around balloons for years and are dedicated crew, helping our pilots to fly. Without our crew, we would never get to fly. Either way, this is the membership for you and the benefits of Non-Pilot Membership include:
- Aerostat – the official magazine of the BBAC. This is printed four times a year and is written by our members, for our members with stories of ballooning adventures from all over the world.
- Dropline – a monthly newsletter that is emailed to all our members. It includes ballooning updates and events calendar
- Access to our Crew Training Package – the BBAC are delighted to offer a comprehensive training qualification for crew members, those of us who love ballooning but are more than happy to keep our feet on the ground.
- Exclusive Access at Events – you’ll receive full details and information for all ballooning events taking place across the UK plus a number of international events. We offer exclusive access to our members at big events such as the Bristol International Balloon Fiesta.
- Building a Network – with access to the BBAC’s members’ hub, you can build a network by gaining contact details for pilots in your area as well as your local BBAC club.
Associate Membership
If a £65 Pilot Membership or £35 Non-Pilot Membership is too much, we do offer a special friends and family Associate Membership package. If you have to a friend or family member who has a full BBAC Membership (Pilot or Non-Pilot), you can be added as an Associate to their Membership.
As it’s a basic membership you don’t receive a copy of Aerostat so this is not the membership for you if you’d like to receive our official magazine.
Please note you will always need the express permission of the Main Membership holder to purchase an Associate Membership and will need to know their BBAC details to make an order.
Membership Tiers and Prices
Pilot Membership (includes PUTs, pilots under training)
- UK (£65)
- Global (£75)
Non-Pilot Membership
- UK (£35)
- Global (£45)
Associate Membership (needs a “main” members to be associated with)
- Pilot (£35)
- PuT (£35)
- Non-Pilot (£5)