Aerostat is the official journal of the BBAC, delivered four times a year to members. It contains 52 glossy, full-colour pages illustrated with inspiring photographs, and covering all aspects of lighter-than-air flight, not only in the United Kingdom, but also in Europe and around the world.
Regular columns report on innovations in ballooning, legal requirements, pilot training, aircraft maintenance, airspace information, awards to balloonists, and other aviation matters in the news.
Articles on ballooning adventures, major fiestas and record-breaking flights from around the world, lavishly illustrated with superb photographs, including stunning centre spread images that reflect the beauty of lighter-than-air flight.
Comps Club
Learn all about competition ballooning from the experts, and follow the progress of fellow pilots as they progress toward the ultimate glory of the World Hot Air Ballooning Championships.
Airship News
Developments in airship and hybrid airship technology that herald a resurgence of these giant aircraft to our skies.
New Balloons
A gallery of the latest balloons, including special shapes, from British and European manufacturers, plus technical data including registrations and envelope types.
Regional and Events Round-Up
Reports on balloon meets from the BBAC-affiliated regional clubs, plus first-hand reviews of other events around the world.
Classified Ads
Second-hand balloons, baskets, tanks and other equipment or ballooning ephemera: if you have something to sell, you’re looking to snap up a bargain, or offer a service, Aerostat’s Classified listings are free to members fo the BBAC.
To contact the editor or to advertise in Aerostat:
Richard Wiles
Editor & Advertising Manager
Tel: +44 (0)7941 146208
Email: aerostat@bbac.org
Drop Line Newsletter
Drop Line is a monthly digital newsletter for BBAC members to keep them updated on events and activities relating to ballooning, with a few fun bits added such as “hot on the web” and “blast from the past” to keep us all amused on those non-flyable days. Like Aerostat, it’s a members-only perk as part of their annual subscription, but it enables us all to keep our fingers on the pulse more regularly than Aerostat, which is designed to be more of a substantial digest with larger, meatier articles. Drop Line is a succinct 4-page newsletter that’s pithy, newsie and ultimately more lighthearted, appealing to the newer generations of balloonists as well as the stalwarts and “godfathers/mothers” of ballooning and airships.